Monday, April 30, 2018
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Denys Drash
Phenotypic female or male
Female internal organs with streak ovaries(as MIF is missing)(WT1 suppressor defect)
Plus syndrome findings wilms,renal failure,ambiguous genitals.
Abdominal mass is a rare presenting symptom, they re actually treated as atypical nephrotics ;)
Because genitalia may be virilized to be male looking with labial fusions. If male type true genitals,then cryptorchidism.,but still female internal organs present(obviously has MIF was not there so internal organs will form).
phenotypic male but with cryptorchdism and hypospadias.
46 XY
Wilms,aniridia,GU abnor,retard mental
Defect in chromosome 11.
If the patient has all features of..... DenysDrash,but wilms tunor is not there(oops), then look for developing Gonadoblastoma in streak gonads,its Frasier syndrome.
Now theres a female,
Who has failed to achieve menarche,
But there is thelarche,
Genitals female type,
Ultrasound reveals that there are no internal female organs, and along tract,instead, testes are seen.
Means MIF worked, so no internal organs, testosterons didnot work thats why female external organs. Thats androgen insensitivity syndrome.
Her karyoype will be 46xy.,and normal testosterone...that converts to estradiol,and so thelarche is there.
Now, after this patient,
Another female comes :)
She has failed to achieve menarche, but his patient, also doesnt have thelarche,
The genitals are true female type,
And ultrasound reveals, internal female organs n gonads....oppps! Wait n see???
Get Karyotype.
Get testosterone.
.thats defective SRY gene,
46,xy but no SRY, means No MIF, means female genitals will form,
No SRY means no testosterone,
Which means no male ductal system or testes and so female genitals.
Its Swyer syndrome.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Thursday, April 26, 2018
*Imam Ibn al-Qayyim* (rahimahullah):
A friend will not (literally) share your struggles, and a loved one cannot physically take away your pain, and a close one will not stay up the night on your behalf. So look after yourself, protect yourself, nurture yourself and don't give life's events more than what they are really worth.
Know for certain that when you break no one will heal you except you, and when you are defeated no one will give you victory except your determination. Your ability to stand up again and carry on is your responsibility.
Do not look for your self worth in the eyes of people; look for your worth from within your conscious. If your conscious is at peace then you will ascend high and if you truly know yourself then what is said about you won't harm you .
Do not carry the worries of this life because this is for Allah. And do not carry the worries of sustenance because it is from Allah. And do not carry the anxiety for the future because it is in the Hands of Allah.
Carry one thing: How to Please Allah. Because if you please Him, He pleases you, fulfils you and enriches you like.
Do not weep from a life that made your heart weep. Just say, "Oh Allah compensate me with good in this life and the HEREAFTER."
Sadness departs with a Sajdah. Happiness comes with a sincere Du'a. Allah does not forget the good you do. Nor does he forget the good you did to others and the pain you relieved them from. Nor will He forget the eye which was about to cry but you made it laugh.
Live your life with this principle:
*Be good even if you don't receive good, not because of others' sake but because Allah loves those who do good*
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Fundus and Retinal Photography using cell phone camera

With simple instructions given by them, after an effort of 2 minutes , i was able to see just a glimpse of vessels in retina. It was all very beautiful. But i could not locate fundus or track vessels.
Very few doctors carried the instrument with them as it was ëxpensive. And so, everyone relied on eye department for trivial retinal findings.
The physics that is involved in opthalmoscope is a really simple one. I illustrate it here as :

The rays of light from bulb(a) get collimated(parallel) by lens(b) , mirror(c) deflects them 90 degrees towards patient's eye which then go through patient's pupil>lens>strike retina > return from retina>lens>pupil and come back just near to mirror of ophtalmoscope, and physician sees those light rays through aperture(g).
From this physics, i ascertained the issue, an issue that"direct opthalmoscopy is hard to learn ,and not everyone can do it in the first go".
I guessed that the distance "i" is making the job tedious.
The second issue , "expensive" instrument, was because of the optics used in the instrument.
To eliminate all optics, i came up with an idea, to use Surface Mount Device type Light Emitting Diode as a light source, on a piece of card or preferably Printed Circuit Board, and make an aperture in it so that the distance "i"is considerably reduced.
I also found out that , if SMD LED is placed close to cell phone camera , very close , then cellphone camera works like a fundoscope. If you understand photography, then you know that FLASH is placed a bit far from Camera so that RED EYE REFLEX is minimized. I brought LED closer to camera, to make RED REFLEX more pronounced , and once very close to eye, to see through eye.
Follow below.

The above two diagrams illustrate well the idea. Distance "i"is considerably reduced.
The initial version made according to the plan looked very much like this :

This device was named as OptiCard, it had an aperture in its upper piece for direct fundoscopy (without cell phone camera), and the device could be attached to cellphone camera by folding the upper piece of card, as below :

The image of retina visualized using cellphone :

By reducing the distance "i", everyone can do fundoscopy in the first go.
More research data is needed however, to prove my point.
(I have shared the link to my research paper below).
So the instrument as per end of year 2017 , looked very much similar to the one in above photos.
It had two pieces.
In 2018,
I came up with another idea, to make aperture in the card below LED.
I used printed circuit board, and SMD switch and the final device looks like :

The video demonstration of the gadget is as :
With the intent to create a less expensive device I found an easier way too , to visualize retina, a very simple device, getting rid of complex(& expensive optics).
Dr M. Tauseef Omer
FCPS Resident
Dept of Paediatric Medicine & Neonatology
MAYO Hospital,King Edward Medical University,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Friday, April 20, 2018
Sturge weber syndrome
Sturge Weber syndrome also known as sturge Weber Dimitri syndrome or encephalo Trigeminal angiomatosis it has port wine stain which is a facial hemangioma classical e in the distribution of the first division of fifth cranial nerve that is Trigeminal nerve the patient has focal seizures on the contralateral size and hemangiomatous changes of the meninges on the ipsilateral side as port wine stain and so calcifications develop on the ipsilateral side which are seen on the CT scan and gyriform form calcifications sturge Weber syndrome or encephalo Trigeminal angiomatosis is a congenital disease it has no genetic basis its fits are very difficult to control there may be associated contralateral hemiparesis and intellectual disability
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
OptiCard : fundoscope to use with cellphone camera
Opticard is a fundoscope to use with cell phone camera.
This fundoscope works with and without cell phone !
SMD type LED White Light Source
3 Volt Button Cell CR2032 (Non-Rechargeable) (Replaceable)
ON/OFF Switch with expected 10,000 Cycles Life
Fiber Glass Light Weight Card with Imprint Lamination Printing that practically never Fades.
For details of specification regarding research purposes contact TLABS (
As with the use of any other diagnostic instrument, the liability of usage of this device and patients’ safety remains the responsibility of physician.
If the inbuilt camera software of the phone allows ‘manual focus’ , sharpest images may be taken in myopic or hypermetropic patients.
With practice , fundus and retina may be explored through undilated pupils also.
If the OptiCard is attached to silicone cover of cellphone , the cover may be simply detached from the phone , and attached again once needed .

Method to Attach to Cellphone

2. The device may be kept in wallet ensuring that no contact with liquids comes across. If it comes in contact with water, immediately remove the cell from OptiCard and let it dry.
3.This gadget is not a TOY. It has small parts. Keep it out of reach of children.
4. If any component of OptiCard is detached or loosely attached to the piece, please do not use the card , as it might cause trauma to patient’s eye. You may contact us to assist you in repair. We’ll respond back in time.
5. Do not recharge the cell.
6. If the device comes in contact with liquids, remove the cell, and let the device air dry . The cell may then be replaced back.
Designed, Invented, Made in Pakistan.
simply go there, and Contact us ! We shall respond positively, always.
Contact at :
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Monday, April 16, 2018
EPI Schedule as per 2017 : Pakistan :: Vaccination Schedule
6 weeks OPV-1 Penta-1 PCV-10-1 Rota-1 ______________
10 weeks OPV-2 Penta-2 PCV-10-2 Rota-2_______________
CYSTIC FIBROSIS : summarized
IV antibiotics/
Empirical therapy includes Azithromycin , Erythromycin .
Short stature
HYPERTENSION in children : summarized
0.1 mg/kg/dose IV as infusion over 20 mins ( may need to be added 4 Hrly or 6 hrly )
Monitor B.P before giving the drug.
Consult seniors for further management.
Myocarditis in children : summarized
Viral infections
Ebstein barr virus
Influenza virus
Hepatitis c virus
Severe respiratory distress, central/peripheral cyanosis may be there ,
cold peripheries , pallor due to circulatory failure, dehydration due to reduced intake , grunting, head nodding, nasal flaring, suprasternal,intercostal,subcostal,substernal recessions may be there.
Pulses may be good volume but later low volume or absent pulses.
Capillary refill time may be prolonged(>3 Sec)
B.P may be recordable initially but later hypotension or BP not recordable.
Altered Sensorium, or irritability due to decreased cerebral perfusion.
Carnitine deficiency
Hereditary mitochondrial defects
Anomalies of coronary arteries.
Monitor :
PR, RR, BP, CRT, Temp, BSL, Urine Output,
Attach spO2 monitor,
Attach Chest electrodes for continuous ECG monitoring.
Restricted maintenance fluids 70% ( 5%DW + N/2 e 2ccKCl/100ml)
For inotropic support: dobutamine, dopamine, adrenaline infusion or milrinone(50mcg/kg iv over 10-60 min followed by 0.25-0.75mcg/kg per min iv can be used) . Consult seniors regarding choice of inotropic support .
Milrinone has the same effects as that of dobutamine , but since it acts through inhibition of Phosphodiesterase, it reduces the myocardial oxygen demand and hence reduces the mortality as compared to dobutamine.
Inflammatory dose Dexamethasone(steroids) : 1mg/kg/day has a controversial role in acute phase.
Antivirals do not have any proven role.
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