Monday, September 30, 2019

BCG vaccine is preventive against lung cancer

BCG vaccine is preventive against lung cancer. This retrospective study shows that person aged 60 yr and plus who were given BCG vaccine had lower rates of lung cancer specifically as compared to those who were not given BCG at birth or in childhood.

Infact 2.5 times lower rate of lung cancer in vaccine group.

BCG vaccine causes immense immunomodulations in human body and it is due to immune regulation effects that it is preventive against lung cancer by 2.5 times.

There have been similar studies previously where analysis of retrospective data showed that those Diabetics who had received BCG vaccine,it was easier to establish glycemic control in them.

Or in case of multiple viral infections such as yellow fever,BCG vaccine weakened the disease activity because T lymphocytes directed against TB would also target other virii or even plasmodium !

I think that over the next decade BCG vaccination would be encouraged not only as being protective against TB., but as an opportunity to boost immune system against cancers

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Love and Sex - Victor Frankl's - Man's Search for Meaning

“Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality. No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless he loves him. By his love he is enabled to see the essential traits and features in the beloved person; and even more, he sees that which is potential in him, which is not yet actualized but yet ought to be actualized. Furthermore, by his love, the loving person enables the beloved person to actualize these potentialities. By making him aware of what he can be and of what he should become, he makes these potentialities come true. In logotherapy, love is not interpreted as a mere epiphenomenon of sexual drives and instincts in the sense of a so-called sublimation. Love is as primary a phenomenon as sex. Normally, sex is a vehicle of expression for love. Sex is justified, even sanctified, as soon as, but only as long as, it is a vehicle of love. Thus love is not understood as a mere side-effect of sex; rather, sex is a way of expressing the experience of that ultimate togetherness which is called love.”

Friday, September 27, 2019

3 types of biliary atresia

Prematurity and biliary atresia (is prematurity protective) ?

"We hypothesized that correcting for prematurity would have no effect on the degree of fibrosis at surgery, with post-natal age being the most important factor; however, that was not the case. There was indeed good correlation of liver fibrosis scores (in both PBA and control groups) with both post-natal and with post-conceptual age, though some of the infants (predominantly in the PBA group) who were many weeks old had very little liver fibrosis for their post-natal age. This was reflected in the observation that both fibrosis and APRi scores were less in the PBA cohort compared to their controls born around term, implying some kind of “protection” of prematurity perhaps. A possible explanation is that the lack of early enteral feeding seen in some of our groups was in some way contributory."

fat soluble vitamin doses in neonatal cholestasis

 Fat-Soluble Vitamin Supplementation in the Cholestatic Infant
Vitamin Laboratory Sign of Deficiency Clinical Sign of Deficiency Treatment/Prevention
Vitamin A Retinol: retinol-binding
protein <0.8 mol/mol
Xerophthalmia, keratomalacia Vitamin A: 3,000–10,000 U/d
Vitamin D 25-Hydroxyvitamin
D <14 ng/mL [ deficiency;
<30 ng/mL [ insufficiency
Rickets, osteomalacia Cholecalciferol: 800–5,000 IU/d;
1,25 OH2 cholecalciferol:
0.05–0.2 mg/kg per d
Vitamin K Prolonged prothrombin time,
elevated protein in
vitamin K absence
Coagulopathy Phytonadione: 2.5–5 mg twice
a week to every day
Vitamin E Vitamin E: total serum
lipid ratio <0.6 mg/g
Neurologic changes,
TPGS: 15–25 U/kg per d; D-a
tocopherol: up to 100 U/kg
per d
TPGS¼D-a-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1,000 succinate.

liver biopsy fibrosis scoring for biliary atresia

Mean fibrosis scores (Ishak) for biliary atresia
(liver biopsy with samples fixed in formalin)
Aspartate Aminotransferase-to-Platelet ratio index (APRi) in infants with biliary atresia: prognostic value at presentation.
Grieve A, Makin E, Davenport M
J Pediatr Surg. 2013 Apr; 48(4):789-95.


Questions related to Patent ductus arteriosus

What is patent ductus arteriosus why is it more common in neonates What is frequency of patent ductus arteriosus opening after fluid bolus d...