Wednesday, April 4, 2018


As we know that there are four serotypes of dengue virus its very interesting to know that when a mosquito gives you dengue fever infection of any one serotype you get a life long immunity against that serotype. For example if an aedes egypti with dengue virus 1 bites you and you get dengue fever and then you get fine after 10 days, then life long if any aedes would bite you with dengue virus 1 you wouldn’t get dengue fever because you already would have enough anti bodies to avoid any infection. But when you get dengue infection with one serotype you get immunity from other serotypes for just 6 months. For example in same above case after 10 days when person would get fine, for next six months he cant have dengue fever because he has acquired immunity against all serotypes viruses but after 6 months he can have dengue fever from serotype 2,3 and 4 but not from 1 for which he has got life time immunity now.
One more thing to discuss here is that dengue virus is the only virus which has got ANTIBODY MEDIATED REPLICATION. It means that if you have antibodies against any of the serotypes of the dengue virus in your blood and you get infection with some other serotype then the viral multiplication in the blood would be very fast as the antibodies already present in the blood would help it. That is the reason that the secondary infection of dengue is more dangerous as compared to primary (first time) and is more involved in dengue hemorrhagic fever with shock.

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