Thursday, January 10, 2013

Eye Disease – History and examination forms



For taking proper history of an eye disease and to examine eye properly, take help from and fill the two forms below. The second form takes into account the  visual acuity, visual field,  eye brows , orbits (whether exophthalmos or enophthalmos ) , squint and eyeball movements , the palpebral aperture , movements of lids, lid margins, eye lashes (trichiasis or districhiasis) , glands (chalazion or stye ), lacrimal glands, redness of eye, conjuntival and corneal examination , scleral swelling, examination of anterior chamber of the eye ,the iris of eye ,the examination of pupils, the lens of eye,and finally fundoscopy findings.

form for taking history of eye disease form to be filled in the examination of normal and diseased eye

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